
Kenneth Ulmer
Adjunct Professor & Dean, The King’s at Oxford University & Pastor, Faithful Central Bible Church, Inglewood, CA
Frank Santora
President, Faith Ministries & Faith Preparatory Schools & Founding Pastor, Faith Church in New York, NY
Dennis Rouse
Teacher, Leadership, Discipleship & How to Build a Racially Reconciled Church & Founding Pastor, Victory World Church, Norcross, GA
Larry Ross
Founder & CEO of A. Larry Ross Communications, Dallas, TX
Samuel Rodriguez
President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference & Pastor, New Season Christian Worship Center, Sacramento, CA
Gordon Robertson
President & CEO, Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), Virginia Beach, VA
Janeen McBath
CEO/President, House of Esther Organization & Co-Pastor, Calvary Revival Church, Norfolk, VA
Courtney McBath
President, Virginia Bible College & Senior Founding Pastor, Calvary Revival Church, Norfolk, VA
Howie Levin
Executive Director, OneHeartDC & Director of Several Non-profit Organizations, Washington D.C.
Lee Jenkins
President, Lee Jenkins Group & Founder & Senior Pastor, Eagles Nest Church, Roswell, GA