1.) National Unity Weekend is an opportunity for believers to demonstrate our faith by sharing the Bible’s transformative message of racial and ethnic unity from pulpits across the country, and to practically demonstrate God’s love and our oneness in Christ across racial, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, and denominational lines, by serving the underserved in our local communities.
2.) Beginning in 2023, the 2nd weekend of June each year, churches and ministries across the United States will focus on teaching and preaching a biblical perspective on racial unity from a shared text – in either a single sermon or series (Acts 10:34, Galatians 3:28, John 13:34).
3.) That same weekend, volunteers will annually unite to serve underserved communities across the United States as a practical demonstration of the love in action as the Gospel commands (Matt 5:16, I John 3:18, Titus 3:8).