Who We Are

1.) National Unity Weekend is an opportunity for believers to demonstrate our faith by sharing the Bible’s transformative message of racial and ethnic unity from pulpits across the country, and to practically demonstrate God’s love and our oneness in Christ across racial, ethnic, cultural, socio-economic, and denominational lines, by serving the underserved in our local communities.

2.) Beginning in 2023, the 2nd weekend of June each year, churches and ministries across the United States will focus on teaching and preaching a biblical perspective on racial unity from a shared text – in either a single sermon or series (Acts 10:34, Galatians 3:28, John 13:34).

3.) That same weekend, volunteers will annually unite to serve underserved communities across the United States as a practical demonstration of the love in action as the Gospel commands (Matt 5:16, I John 3:18, Titus 3:8).


To elevate the Christ-centered church as the key facilitator in leading our society toward racial unity and serving the needs of diverse American communities in both word and deed through teaching the Gospel and service/volunteerism (Romans 10:17, Psalm 107:20, Luke 12:33-34, Luke 14:12-14).

Core Values

• Christ Centered
• Church Honoring
• Bridge Building
• Community Serving


National Unity Weekend is an idea birthed out of prayer and growing friendships:

Summer 2021
Leaders began signing The Statement of Change calling for a change in the deep racial polarization in the church and our nation.

November 2021
Leaders gathered at The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., for the DC Talks event to build relationships and share personal experiences of racial pain and successes.

January 2022
The Let’s Talk monthly zoom calls began with leaders from across the country talking through and praying for better ways to address the issue.

June 2022
Let’s Talk participants decided it is vital for Christians to lead from the front and become more proactive in tackling our national racial crisis by taking the next bold step called National Unity Weekend.

September 2022
Leaders from across the country gathered at the African American Museum of History & Culture in Washington, D.C.

June 2023
Inaugural National Unity Weekend, with Community Day serving thousands, followed by Unity Sunday teaching Unity messages in Virginia, Washington DC, and Texas.

April 2024
Let’s Talk and National Unity Weekend hosted leaders from across the country in Montgomery, Alabama, where they toured The Legacy Museum and The National Memorial for Peace and Justice; along with workshops to address critical race issues and build relationships.

June 2024
2nd year of National Unity Weekend. Distributing over 100,000 lbs of food and serving over 4,000 people in the DC, Maryland, Virginia and NC area on Saturday; then preaching a Unity message on the following Sunday.



Derek Grier currently serves as the founding pastor of Grace Church in Dumfries, Virginia. The church began in 1998 with 12 people and under his leadership, has grown to more than 7,000 members and has over 40 life-changing ministries. In late 2023, he initiated Derek Grier Ministries on various social media platforms, reaching millions of viewers monthly. His radio and television broadcasts have also gained a substantial audience both in the United States and around the globe.

Grier was ordained a bishop in 2008 by the late Dr. Myles Munroe. He currently mentors hundreds of Christian leaders and business owners through the Renaissance Leadership Network (RLN).

Bishop Grier’s uncompromising approach to preaching and teaching the gospel has helped him lead Grace Church in phenomenal growth. In 2023, Grace was listed in Outreach Magazine’s annual “100 Fastest Growing Churches in America” as the 5th fastest growing church in the United States, with the 2nd greatest percentage gain across the 100 fastest growing churches.

In 2011, Grier founded Virginia Christian College, a highly respected institution for Christian education. He currently assumes the role of Chancellor, with Dr. Courtney McBath serving as the President. Grier is well-published and his most recent publication, “When God Stops,” was released by Thomas Nelson Publishing in August of 2019.

Derek Grier’s most recent God-inspired initiative, National Unity Weekend, was founded to position the Christ-centered church as a pivotal force in guiding society toward racial unity. Addressing the diverse needs of American communities through both Gospel teachings and practical service, National Unity Weekend is celebrated each second weekend in the month of June.

Derek and his wife, Yeromitou, reside in northern Virginia and have two adult sons: Derek Jr. and David and daughter-in-law Debby.